I did readings yesterday at Mystickal Voyage. Before I went, I made some nutmeat and put it in nori rolls. This nutmeat is Jeffery Safron's recipe from The Complete Book of Raw Food. It is very simple. Walnuts (I used almonds), olive oil, garlic, liquid aminos, and sun-dried tomatoes. I cannot take credit for the rest of the food. The Yabba Pot cafe in Baltimore has wonderful raw food. That's carrot tuna, spinach salad, and seaweed salad on my plate.
And I feel like the Universe is supporting my decision. While at Mystickal Voyage doing readings, the owner, Lori got an Edible Flowers Basket. All the fruit is on skewers, shaped like flowers. Kale is behind it. I asked if they were going to keep the kale. They said no. I asked if I could take the kale. Goodness knows I use it almost daily in salads and in juices and smoothies. So they gave it to me! Below is the picture. They left me some fruit :-).
It's time to let go of the past 5 years. I bless those years for bringing me my sons. They give me reason to live and to become a better person. When they are adults, I want them to look back at their childhood with happy fondness. Having a mom who is emotionally present and healthy and happy goes a long way in ensuring those memories. My husband and I have had each other to lean on through those years and I am grateful that I have a supportive spouse. I love you Rom. I am grateful for my in-laws for cultivating within me compassion, patience, and for showing me how not to handle life. I am grateful that The Mocha Angels did not give up on me, and constantly showed me how to handle life. "Manifest the life that you want by proclaiming it in the NOW." I get that now. The Mocha Angels book will be released in 2008. Many wonderful things will follow.
And as part of releasing not-so-happy times comes releasing weight put on during those times. I want to lose 25 pounds. I'm calling it "Operation SexyBack." Seriously! I got that from We Like It Raw (www.welikeitraw.com) They sell a T-shirt that reads: "Raw Food: Bringing Sexy Back." Okay, I couldn't wear that shirt with a straight face. I was like, "I wanna wear that t-shirt! I guess I better get my sexy back cause my sexy has left the building :-). So Operation SexyBack is about staying on raw, exercising, and taking better care of Althea. It's already started, but when I post my picture (for the first time anywhere in seven years) on this blog, SexyBack will officially begin.
Bless all of you who read my blog. Create a wonderful 2008.