Also, on another note, I was flipping through an old Yoga Journal last night. An article mentioned Ahimsa which is the princple of non-violence. Most yogis are vegetarians because ahimsa is translated as "non-harming" or "non-killing." But the article also interpreted ahimsa as "non-violence against the self." So when we (I) eat emotionally, we are harming ourselves. That gave me pause. I still eat chocolate when I get upset. That means I am taking my anger, frustation, whatever, out of myself. I'm harming me instead of speaking my mind. Hmmm. That is something I'm going to keep noticing as time goes on.
I know we are divine beings more powerful than we know. Remembering that on a daily basis is the challenge. I have noticed that staying raw keeps me on an even emotional keel more often that not.
Any comments?
Althea ◦
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