On Day 20, I had:
3 apples/1/4 lemon/ 4 collard leaves juice
3 apples/ 1/2 beet/ 1/4 lemon/ 1/4 knob ginger juice
onion tea 3 times
On Day 21, I had:
peach/banana smoothie
3 apples/3 carrots juice
2 apples/ 1/4 lemon/1/2 beet juice
2 apples/2 celery/1/2 lemon/4 kale/ 2 romaine leaves juice
So how do I feel? I'm still sick, but I do feel better. And I know I've lost weight, but I haven't left my house in a week. I plan to weigh myself on Tuesday, so I'll let you all know how much weight I've lost. I'm ready to get started on some recipes. I still want to make the raw bread, but I'm going to focus on basics. I looked at Alissa Cohen's Living on Live Food again this afternoon, and she has a lot of extremely simple things in there. I keep thinking basics. Learn basic recipes and build on those. That is my plan...so let's go!
Thanks for reading.
OH MY! You are more dedicated than I ....
Having been a raw organist, and enjoyed the many benefits of a raw vegan diet, I applaud your journey. However, I'm also concerned about the extreme nutrient deficiency in your juice fast over such a long duration of time... Please, listen to your body and seek out a variety of nutrients.
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