Apple Crisp Redux
This is a raw apple crisp, done differently than I did before. It’s a combination of Jody Allen’s ( and Lynda Carter’s ( recipe. The apples are mixed with agave nectar, cinnamon, and vanilla. It’s topped with granola. What makes the recipe is the cashew cream sauce. Put 2 cups of cashews in a blender. Put just enough water to cover the cashews. I put in a little less because I like the sauce to be thick. Then add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 2 tablespoons of honey or agave. Blend until creamy. You’ll have a luscious whipped cream. Put it on top of the granola and you’ve got one heck of an apple crisp that is good for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Come Bite the Apple Cookies
We had a mixed verdict on Matt Amdsen’s Come Bite the Apple Cookies from his book RAWvolution. Rom thought they were okay. Raymond and I liked them. But if I’m being totally honest, the apple cookies from Alissa Cohen’s book were better. They went so fast I didn’t have time to take a picture. Raymond LOVED them. I had to tell him to slow down! But in Matt’s defense, the next thing I made out of his book I now call “Perfection on a Plate.” When I post again, I’m starting with that dish! Whoo!
2 lbs red apples (5-6 apples)
1 cup agave nectar
1 ¾ cups almonds, ground in FP
1 ¼ cups raisins
¼ cup cinnamon
Dice the apples in a food processor. Put them in a mixing bowl. Add the agave, almonds, raisins, and cinnamon to the bowl and mix well with a spatula. Use your hands to form the cookies about 3 inches in diameter. Dehydrate at 105 degrees for approximately 24 hours.
From Juliano’s RAW, I give you BLOOD. Yes, that is what it’s called. When Rom drank it, he said, “Damn! This is good! You could open a juice bar with this one!” That was my reaction too. I was like, “Damn, this is good.” Even if you don’t like beets, I think you should give this a try.
2 lbs apples (about 5-6 apples)
1 piece of ginger, about 2 tablespoons, unpeeled
½ cup beet
¼ cup fresh-squeezed lime juice
(I used lemon juice)
Juice all ingredients. Juliano says to let it chill in the fridge. I couldn’t wait that long. It’s fabulous.
2 lbs apples (about 5-6 apples)
1 piece of ginger, about 2 tablespoons, unpeeled
½ cup beet
¼ cup fresh-squeezed lime juice
(I used lemon juice)
Juice all ingredients. Juliano says to let it chill in the fridge. I couldn’t wait that long. It’s fabulous.
This was my first attempt at raw chocolate. This was train wreck of epic proportions. When recipes go bad in my kitchen, I don't tell you all where I got it because I don't want to embarrass anyone. But the "perfect chocolate" was not. Yuck. Triple Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. The ingredients were coconut oil, agave, and carob powder. I was ticked that I wasted my coconut oil. That stuff is not cheap!
Heavenly Chocolate
But when raw chocolate works, it ROCKS! This is Heavenly Chocolate from Fresh by Sergei and Vayla Boutenko. I have yet to eat a clunker from this book. These kids know their raw food.
Heavenly Chocolate
1 cup raw cashews or macadamia-nut butter
¼ cup water
3 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons carob powder
1 teaspoon vanilla
¼ teaspoon sea salt
Blend well, pour into a flat dish, and freeze until solid.
1 cup raw cashews or macadamia-nut butter
¼ cup water
3 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons carob powder
1 teaspoon vanilla
¼ teaspoon sea salt
Blend well, pour into a flat dish, and freeze until solid.
Up next, I'm giving away a wonderful product!
1 comment:
I love your photos and the honesty of sharing your mistakes. I have much more luck with chocolate than carob and I also love the Boutenkos. :)
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