Today I saw this in my in-box from Angela Stokes-Monarch of the Raw Reform blog:
If you are going through a particularly rough patch emotionally and feeling surrounded by difficulties, try to gently bring yourself into the current moment and realise that right now, in this instant - which is really all you have - you are OK. Practice gratitude for whatever it is that you experience in each moment, the challenges as well as the joys.
Yesterday your partner may have left you and tomorrow you may be facing eviction from your property, but right now, in this very moment, you can be at peace if you choose it. By dwelling on issues of the past or worrying about the future, you are simply giving away your power in the present moment. Breathe deeply, do not try to cope with more than one moment at a time, if necessary and reach out to others and Spirit for help (rather than food). You are not alone and you do not have to turn to food, to get through difficult times.
- Angela Stokes-Monarch
And I won the "Stylish Blogger Award" from Terilynn of The Daily Raw Cafe. I have the ten bloggers I want to pass the award along to. I just have to get my post written.
See you all soon!
Mocha Angel message: Give thanks for what you have right now. Now. While reading this. If you are feeling down, stop and verbalize all the good in your life. You can’t help but feel better. ◦
Keeping you + your family in thought and prayer. ((hugs))
Thank you so much! {{hugs}}
This is a timely blog post. Just last night I was thinking about how almost every time I exit the shower I say out loud, "thank you." I don't know why or where this comes from, but I started giving it a lot of thought last night. Once I figure out the "why" I think I'll blog about it as well.
I hope your healing process proves to be successful.
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