Monday, April 14, 2008

Days 13 and 14: Success!!

I DID IT!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Oh Thank God!
That is me, two pounds shy is my ultimate weight loss goal. I am really, really happy right now. I've broken the feast with water, prune juice water, and 8 oz. of prunes. I'm ready to eat but I will break the feast sensibly. Tomorrow I'll post my thoughts about it, but here is what I had the last two days of the feast.

Day 13, I had:
5 cups of water
2 cups apple/broccoli/parsley juice
2 cups apple/broccoli/lemon
3 cups orange juice
1 cup apple/kale juice

Day 14, I had:
8 cups of water
3 cups apple/broccoli/kale juice
1 cup apple juice
8 cups orange/banana/romaine smoothie

You see I added the smoothie in again, right? Sunday was super busy for me, and the smoothies were the fastest thing to make. I made them really thin so that is more like a thick juice. I was also quite thirsty. Now I realize that you have to drink lots of water during a feast. My energy level stayed high during the last two days, and all I was thinking about was what to eat afterward. Reading Angela Stokes' Juice Feasters Handbook, she says to break with water, prune juice water, and prunes. I'm adding juicy oranges, more fruit tomorrow, and salads on Wednesday.

If I ever do this again, the one thing I would definitely do are enemas or a colonic. Things gotta keep moving.

Thank you everyone for reading my blog. All of the support kept me going. I'll be back to taking pictures of lovely raw food very soon.




Tobe Ifeanyi said...

wow, you look great!!!!
I know your energy levels must be through the roof with that detox.

Way to go girl!!

Unknown said...



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