B-O-M-B. I could eat those everyday. It is from Fresh by Sergei and Valya Boutenko. Get that one. These kids are wise beyond their years, and they know how to make food.
Sooo, reflecting on the Juice Fast. It was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. It changed the way I look at food, how it's used as comfort, and it freed me from a lot of bad habits. If I did a longer one again, I would enlist even more support. Amaadi and I talked every single day, usually twice a day. But I would line up a babysitter or two. There was never time to really be by myself. All my breakthroughs came at the weirdest moments: in the kitchen, in my car, in my bedroom. They were ah-ha! moments, but down time would have been nice.
Colonics and enemas: a must. The colon is the garbage disposal of the body. It needs to be cleaned out during a cleanse. I would absolutely get one or two.
I wish I had known to do this before I had my children. The youngest one definitely has a sweet tooth and I have to work to break his before it becomes a life-long habit. But I am grateful that they like to juice and the oldest one always tries whatever I make. His current favorite is beet-apple-lemon juice.
I think everyone needs to take a break from eating to really step back and get a perspective.
See you soon!
Althea ◦
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