4 carrots/2 apples
6 carrots/ 1 apple
2 apples/strawberries
Supplements: MSM, probiotics
Mantra: My house is a loving, peaceful place to live.
Okay, I didn't sit down much on Day four. I cleaned my living room, in the spirit of the mantra. It only took forty minutes. I learned from the Fly Lady yahoo group to clean in 15 minute spurts and to get the kids involved. Even though it didn't take long, because I was already exhausted, that was it for the day.
On Day 5, I had:
Lemon/pepper tea
Mint tea
Supplements: MSM, probiotics
Mantra: The Universe loves me and supports me.
By Day 5, I wasn't feeling well. My throat was sore. My head hurt, and was really tired. I had to go work at Mystickal Voyage, and I was happy that I got through all my readings intact. I was also almost fully booked. That hasn't happened in over a year. So again, evidence of The Universe loves me and supports me. I was too through physically, but emotionally I appreciated all the readings.
A theme kept popping up all night: folks who had done what they were "supposed" to do in life, but now wanted to do what they wanted to do in life. It's a theme I explored in my first novel, and I'm exploring it again in my current one. It's something I've struggled with in my thirties. This is not a knock against my parents. I've already talked to my mother about this.
If I could have done ages sixteen through twenty-nine all over again, I would have written for The Red and Black, the University of Georgia student newspaper, not dated a single person, gone to graduate school to get an MFA in Creative Writing, and traveled the world. My mom worked for Delta Airlines for over a decade, so my air travel was deeply discounted. Instead, I fell for the okey-doke, did the corporate thing, got into debt, got married, got divorced, and tried to figure out why I was on this Earth.
Doing a juice feast brings crazy clarity. I think I'm on the right track.
On Day 6, I had:
Apple/lemon/green pepper
Lemon/pepper tea
Mint tea
Mantra: I love myself enough to heal.
I finally took a "nap" today. After dinner and Oprah, I napped for two hours in between Jona coming in my room to see what I was doing :-). Maybe it was just rest, but I needed it regardless. Lying there, I realized how dysfunctional my in-laws are. My job is to become functional. Does that make sense?
Not perfect, but someone who is always kind to herself and others. Someone who has coping skills to deal with life so that I don't keep falling into a pit of episodic chaos. Someone who understands the power of thought so I don't cave into fear. Someone who realizes that she is writing her own story. She creates a supporting cast of loving, positive, compassionate, honest, trustworthy people. Someone who carves a positive place in this world.
Why did I wait to do this?
Althea ◦
This has been really inspiring to me. I actually just purchased a 2nd hand Champion Juicer from eBay the other day. The price was too good to resist, and I'm really hoping it works well. I want to incorporate more juices into my diet and maybe try some short term juice feasting. Is there any one book that you've found is a must-have?
A must have...I love "The Juiceman's Power of Juicing" by Jay Kordich. It's cheap, it's a classic, and he is accesible on Facebook. Just look up "Jay Kordich." Send him a friend request and I'm sure he'll accept. He has a juicing group on Facebook. The guy is 86 and still kickin' it strong.
i am curious if you would consider adding more greens to your juice. i find them really nourishing and satisfying.
Yes, the collards and kale and cabbage are in the fridge now. You'll be seeing them more.
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