Personal Mantra: My house is a loving, peaceful, inviting place to live.
Jay's Lemonade: apples and lemon
lemon/agave/water/pepper tea
water (lots)
Blood (beets/apple/ginger/lemon)
My mantra on Day 1 was The Universe loves and supports me. I truly felt that on Saturday. I was at the grocery store getting food for Rom and the boys. After I paid for the food, I got my receipt as usual, AND, surprise, I got a coupon for TEN DOLLARS off my next visit. You know what I did? I turned around and bought some fruit and vegetables. I bought two bags of apples, one bag of carrots, a lemon, and cabbage. That came to $12.54. With my coupon, I only paid $2.54. That is a clear example of The Universe loves and supports me.
Personal Mantra: My house is a loving, peaceful, inviting place to live (I chose to repeat the mantra from Day 2)
2 apples/4 kiwi
2 apples/6 strawberries
mint tea twice
Detox symptom: runny nose
The mint about five feet wide and 2 feet high. I'll be drinking a lot of mint tea, which is my favorite! What a blessing!
On to the other good things that happened yesterday:
- At the grocery store, I let the woman in front of me use my discount card. Her bill instantly dropped twenty-two dollars! She hugged me like she'd known me forever. I thought that was cool.
- My friend Victoria has dubbed my juices "Althea's Magic Elixirs." LOL!
Today is the morning of Day 4. I am exhausted. Jona had tummy trouble and was feverish last night and didn't fall asleep until 10:00pm. He woke up again around midnight. I'm tired, but Jona is running around playing with his brother. My major goal for the day is to SIT DOWN. Wish me luck on that one. :-)
Althea ◦
I need to learn more about mantras, I have a history of mental anxiety in my family and it has been passed down to me, I been trying to find ways to control it and I started meditating which worked but I never really had the time.
I also wanted to say that Jona is very handsome. And good luck on your 'juice' journey.
Luck on that one!
thank you for telling us how you use affirmations. i've read the books but i haven't gotten to the place of using them yet.
keep up the pics of the kids! i love seeing kids and raw food/juice together. makes me so happy!
sounds like you are doing well.
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