Peppermint tea
Romaine/cilantro/tomato salad
Mantra: I earn a fantastic income doing work that I love.
I was gone most of the day, from 10: ooam to 8:00am working. I was at Mystickal Voyage doing readings, and then I had a private reading afterward. The person I read was an intuitive herself, and I swear she pushed me to be better. She asked so many questions that she already knew the answer to. Every time I verified what she knew. I was sweating afterward. It was an amazing experience.
I traveled with my salad and juice and water today. Energy-wise I felt great (probably because I didn't have to do any cooking or cleaning :-).
On Day 10, I had:
*Green pepper/cilantro/collard/celery/lemon*
(My first all veggie juice ever!)
Carrot/apple (twice)
Apple/green pepper/celery/lemon
Romaine/cilantro/tomato salad
Mantra: ALL of my relationships are harmonious.
I got super-clear today about one thing. ALL of my relationships, including the one with my in-laws can be harmonious. With my in-laws I must release my need to be right. With other people, I'm open to all points of view. I want to create only positive relationships in my life.
Althea ◦
yay for your first veggie juice. i just tried red pepper juiced today and i LOVED it. yum. i had an all juice day today. so far it's been my most successful ever. thanks for your inspiration.
you sound like someone i want to be friends with ;)
I love your new mantra. :)
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