Carrot sweet potato juice w/ flax meal (x3)
apple spinach romaine lettuce juice (x2)
fit to a tea (x4)
orange juice
I've decided to juice feast, with robust enthusiasm, through my birthday on March 7. I will be turning 39 years old. That would make 21 straight days of juicing. Turns out that it takes 21 days to create a habit. Sounds good to me.
Tomorrow I'll photograph what I've put on my fridge. Most people have 7-8 "go-to" meals they make all the time. I came up with those for myself, and taped it to my fridge. I'll still blog through Sarma and Matthew's books, but having a focus of foods, and a regular list of staples is critical to long-term success as a raw vegan. I LOVE to create new dishes, which is why I create new things all the time. But being grounded in raw foods that I love is necessary.
Oh, and I have lost 7 pounds since starting the Raw Food Rehab Resolve to Evolve program.
Mocha Angel message for today:
Ask God not what He can do for you. Ask God what you can do for Him (or Her). :-) ◦
You are doing so great. I didn't know you are a member of Raw Food Rehab! I am as well. Congratulations on your weight loss.
I am also trying to get a set of basic recipes set up for my meals. I have Jennifer Cornbleet's Raw Food Made Easy for one or two People (I think that's the name, it's late). Not only are her recipes simple, I've found that the ones I have made have all been delicious. She has some nice menus set up for lunch and dinner. I'm thinking I will use her recipes for my regular day-to-day eating, and experiment with recipes in my other "raw" books on the side. That way, I'll have a good basic diet that works. I won't have to be nervous that some new dish I try won't turn out and I'll have nothing decent to eat. It will just be extra. Eventually, I might replace some of her recipes with other newer favorites - as long as the recipes are simple. I've got to keep it quick and easy for the most part.
Quick and my middle name. Thanks for your comment Mindy!
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