Friday, July 25, 2008

Winners of the Book Giveaway!

I asked the question: "what made you interested in a raw food diet?" Two of the responses I got brought tears to my eyes. Here are the winners of the book Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing for Life: drum roll, please......
Tasha Edwards in Alabama
Cindi Hoppes in Illinois
Louis Randall, M.D. in Maryland
Dale Wesley in Georgia
You all are so inspiring! I wanted to share just a little of what Tasha and Dale wrote.
From Tasha:
What attracted me to the raw food lifestyle? The need for clarity, cleansing and consistency.

I believe that I became vegan because I was a part of Sistah Vegan; the pressure was on. I knew dairy made me sick (eventually) but I loved some damn eggs at IHOP. It was a "fad"; I am notorious for that. As so raw food became that way, a fad. The first time I realized that I could eat 2 cups of almonds a day and STILL lose weight, I was hooked. I have done three 7-day raw food fasts in the past couple of months. It was easier than trying to sustain the lifestyle which is where I am now. I cannot tell you that I have experienced the "wonder" of the raw food lifestyle but this is probably because I can go all day and only eat prunes, bananas and almond butter. I just turned 33 last week and I STILL have no clarity or consistency. Now my bowels are all backed up even though I have started taking triphala again. I am taking 5 HTP to sleep at night and will be sipping on valerian tea in about 30 seconds because I am angry and stressed and cannot rest without assistance. I need cleansing. I need ME. That's why I am interested in the raw food lifestyle; getting basic with my living so I can have time to do other stuff.

From Dale
I am a 55 year old woman who became interested in the raw diet because I want to live another 55 years..…..mentally and physically healthy. I see a raw food diet as the way to achieve my goal.
I, like everyone, have had some difficult health issues…..anxiety, depression, raging hormones and gynecological problems, stress, arthritis, and menopause with insomnia and hot flashes. I believe all illness comes from the foods we eat. I didn't know this 20 years ago, but I know it now. I know that what I put into my mouth contributes greatly to how I feel. I am aware and more in tune with my body, and I know how it feels to eat even a small piece of chocolate cake and ride the wave from high to low emotions within hours. I know the dangers of white sugar, white flour, meat, alcohol, and dairy products. I even know the dangers of prescription drugs on the circulatory, digestive and nervous systems of the body.
My personal experiences with illness and encounters with medical professionals have shaped my thoughts about health. Health is not a blue or pink pill for every challenge that occurs. Pills don't cure any illness; pills cover up symptoms but the illness/condition remains. Only raw food can cure disease conditions, because only raw food corrects the imbalances that occur from eating the wrong foods. In my eyes, a raw food diet makes sense. To eat only raw fruits, vegetables, seed and nuts to get the most vitamins and minerals for our bodies so it can operate as God intended seems logical to me….it's a no-brainer.

My determination to tell as many people as I can about the raw food diet is supported by my determination not to develop the usual diseases that seem to occur with aging in this country like acid reflux disease, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, osteoarthritis, heart failure, high blood pressure, and obesity. I believe raw food is the answer and I wish I could get more people to listen. Since I can't, I believe my purpose is to be a shining example of what healthy looks like, feels like and is...for as long as I possibly can.

I am sure that will be until I am 110 years old.

Whoo Hoo! Powerful stuff, huh? You all inspire me too. Thank you all so much for entering.


1 comment:

Kristen's Raw said...

Those ARE great stories!!!

Yeehaw for RAW!



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