Raymond, ever the chef, is helping me an apple-banana smoothie. He is adding the coconut oil.
And we're doing YOGA! (Excuse the pile in the back! That's Rom's stuff!) That's Jona in Warrior Three, better know as Airplane pose to children :-).
From www.yogapoint.com:
Right nostril is Pingala Nadi, which represents physical energy and body. The breath through right nostril is important for many important metabolic processes.
The purpose of the Right nostril breathing is to increase the Pranic energy , the physical energy, to revitalize the body. It increases the efficiency of digestive system, also boosts the nervous system, especially the sympathetic nervous system.
Following are the benefits of Right Nostril Breathing -
It increases the body temperature, which removes the Kafa (mucus) imbalance. This is very effective in obesity. Regular practice of Right nostril breath is used for weight loss.
Prana increases in the body, increasing the vitality.
Very effective for depression, low energy.
Helps reducing the anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses.
It gives all the benefits of deep breathing as well.
Althea ◦
Althea, I didn't know till now and saw your new blog. You know my oldest of 17 has severe autism. My heart goes out to you and your boys and for being so brave and just clobbering this challenge. You ever need ANYTHING you call me sister, you hear that!
Good luck on this journey, it will teach you much. I learned more from my son about myself than anyone or anything ever did.
Thank you.
Love the blog! It's very similar to my own story. I've been through it all and back again (having also treated my son who was diagnosed with autism). It's been years now and my son is now a completely different child, so know that your efforts will pay off in ways unimaginable. :)
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