Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Juicefeasting Transition Week

Days 1 and 2

Me on Sunday morning, February 6, 2011. I thought I looked cute, but I look so tired. I'm still coughing too.
Day 1 I had:
vanilla milkshake
pleasing greens soup
broccoli soup
homemade veggie burger
apple/swiss chard/lemon juice (2x)
apple cider (hot)
apple/kale/lemon/psyllium/flax meal juice

Day 2, I had:
vanilla milkshake w/ coconut oil and psyillum
orange banana smoothie
pleasing greens soup (3x)
Broccoli soup
carrot/sweet potato juice
apple/kale/lemon/psyllium/flax meal juice

I made the mistake of not drinking anything until 10:30am. I was tired, cranky, teary, and ready to bite someone's head off. By noon, I said to myself, "If I don't eat something, I'm not going to make it through this day." I had a homemade veggie burger (from Vegan With a Vegeance) the diameter of an apple. I didn't eat anything else that day, and I haven't eaten anything today.

Don't start your fast the way I did. You are supposed to transition into it. Last week, I ate whatever I wanted. I taught a vegan cooking class on Sunday, January 30th (which was supposed to had been on Sunday, January 24th but I had the flu). The class went better than I had intended. Huge hit! But I was eating all this cooked food, good as it was, but that wasn't best for me.
The supporting characters: dry skin brushes for body and face.

Ann Wigmore has taught me how to grow wheatgrass!

Jona helping me juice.

Broccoli soup ingredients.

Four tray of wheatgrass at different stages of growth.

The first tray, now fully matured and ready to cut!


Mocha Angel message: God never abandons you. That is impossible. God is part of you, so rejecting God is a rejection of your self. Accept God as you accept yourself.


1 comment:

bitt said...

I sometimes got really crabby during my juice feasting and wondered if it was lack of fat. I hope the flax seed meal helps you. That's awesome your kids are helping with the wheatgrass.


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