Friday, May 8, 2009

Juice Feast Day 1

Here we go! Rom took this picture of me last night on Day 1. I might go the whole 92 days for this feast. My mom said to take it one day at a time, and that is what I am going to do. I got the kids all excited about the juice feast yesterday. I explained that mommy will only drink juice, water, tea, and a few supplements for a while.

This was a self-portrait of me and Raymond yesterday morning. Raymond looks so excited. I was just trying to take a decent picture of the two of us!
Day One:
My personal mantra: The Universe loves and supports me.
Water (didn't measure, just drank a lot constantly)
Blood (2 apples, ginger, lemon, beets)
Ambrosia Cocktail (2 apples, 1 orange)
Jay's Secret (from Juiceman's Power of Juicing: 6 carrots, 2 celery ribs, parsley, 2 garlic cloves)
3 apples, 3 carrots
2 apples, cilantro, collard, spinach, parsley, lemon
4 apples, parsley, spinach, lemon
3 apples, celery, spinach, lemon, ginger
Supplements: probiotic, MSM

I'm supposed to drink at least a gallon a juice a day. I exceeded that. My energy level was good until I drank Jay's Secret around 4:00pm. I got an instant head rush, and subsequent headache. I told Rom I had to lay down. I took a nap for an hour.

Other detox symptoms:
chalky teeth
chalky tongue
runny nose
sleep in eyes (this morning)

Today is the morning of Day Two. It has not gone as expected. Jona didn't sleep well, so you know I didn't sleep well either. And he woke up at 5:36am. I'm a little cranky, so when he naps today, I will nap with him. But I can honestly say I'm not hungry.

My registration at the Juice Feasters website was accepted last night, so I have more reading to do. I'm supposed to get an enema bag and a dry skin brush. I will look for both today.

It's around 9:15am, and I only have one bottle of juice ready. So I've got to run and begin my day.




bitt said...

Give the kids some juice too!

Good luck and keep us posted. I am gravitating more and more towards juice. It is taking over my meals. I may be joining you soon.

ChocolateOrchid said...

I wish you the best on your juice feast!

Happy Mother's Day!


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